Some New Music

Well, its Easter weekend.  I have finished cramming for the last two weeks of college.  Its time to move on to celebrating the end!  Next week will be filled with glitter, paddle turns, and a healthy dose of Britney Spears music.  Speaking of music, here is some new music from Rae Marshall.  What can't this girl do.  She's a photographer and a singer/songwriter.  She's one of those really talented girls that I envy.  I've always wanted to be a really talented girl.

Over and Out,

The Real Disney Princess

I feel like this is exactly what would happen to the Disney Princesses, and other assorted fairy tale characters.  If only they had a gay best friend to take them to a gay club, or snatch that last donut out of their hands, and/or throw condoms at them.  These are the creations of Dina Goldstein and she is one hell of a gal.  She is a Vancouver based photographer.  The above photos are part of her most famous series, Fallen Princesses.  I encourage you to check out the whole series.  And I also encourage you to not hang out at seedy bars with old men, consume high fructose corn syrup, and have children (adopt).

Over and Out,

Talented Bitch

Don't you just hate talented bitches.  Its a real problem in this world.  My sister is one of them.  She just started a calligraphy business, on top of being a graphic designer and fellow blogger (well tumblr, she doesn't write anything on her "blog" therefore its not legitimate).  Where was I, ah yes, she does calligraphy.  And quite well I might add.  Well this is a short one.  I just felt the need to post something today and something that was beautiful.  There is not much more to it.

PS.  Sister, if you're reading this, LYLB!

Over and Out,

Boy He Can Talk

I've never been a fan of vloggers.  Go ahead, judge me, I said it.  But I'm sure some of you are saying, "I'm not a fan of bloggers."  Well, that's your prerogative.  Any who, I found a vlog i like.  Its "BoyHeCanTalk" on YouTube.  He's so witty and charming, and he wears cute glasses (the glasses are what sold me, oh, and his amazing eyelashes).  I guess I'm starting to like new things.  How GREAT! (said in the voice of Sylvia Ann). 

Over and Out,

Chickens Inspired by Chickens

If you have ever seen "Kittens Inspired by Kittens," then this video will seem familiar.  However, it is much funnier.  If you haven't seen "Kittens Inspired by Kittens" then you probablly live under a rock and have no contact with the world except for the ocasional look at PerezHilton and (but only when you are feeling ridiculously stupid for only going to PerezHilton for your news and need to feel like an informed citizen).  I just saw it last week.   This gem, "Chickens Inspired by Chickens" comes to us from Tyler Oakley, a gay. 

Over and Out,

My Own Work

I'm sure some people what the hell I do other than peruse the Internet for websites, video clips, coupons, clothes, etc...Well, I am an actor with a focus in gay themed work.  I have never written anything, until a few months ago.  And the video is finally available!  This is a project I came up with and asked my good friend Allie to help me with.  Basically, we wrote real letters to our future husbands, which I haven't met yet.  And this is what resulted.  Try not to giz your pants.

Over and Out,

Emotional Wet Dream

Two things:
1.  I'm sorry I haven't been posting.  I've been having a gayjor case of senioritis.  I graduate college in three and a half weeks.  Instead of writing blogs, I've been dreaming of high rise apartments and future husbands.  If any of you are curious, I will be moving to NYC in August.  Hope the big apple is ready!

2.  Jessie J's album "Who You Are" was released today in the US.  I have downloaded it and I have listened to the entire album while I worked out and stared at sweaty fit men.  To describe the album:  It is a gay man's emotional wet dream.  Buy it!  Now!

Over and Out,