Bianca, Queens of Drag: NYC Ep3 from Gay Com on Vimeo.
Acid Betty/Epiphany, Queens of Drag: NYC Ep5 from Gay Com on Vimeo. has been doing some very interesting work with some drag queens in NYC.  They have an online show called Queens of Drag:  NYC.  These girls have got it!  I chose my two favorite ones, Bianca Del Rio and Acid Betty.  I got to see Bianca perform when I spent New Years '09 in New Orleans, and girl did I do it hard.  She is a great stand up comedian who is not afraid to put a run in your hose, so to speak.  Acid Betty just looks fierce, kind of like someone you would see while hallucinating...on salvia.  These two videos take a pretty intimate look into a very masked world.  Enjoy and keep it gay, keep it gay, keep it gay!

Over and Out,